Day One...Lots of driving to get to our destination in Cortez, CO. My whole family went on this trip to see the Indian ruins in Mesa Verde. Half way there we stopped at The Whole in the Rock near Moab, UT. The Whole in the Rock is a place that a man built a home into the rock mountain and now it has a souvenirs shop and a petting zoo. We stopped there and looked around, let the kids shop for souvenirs, and let the kids stretch their legs. We had more fun there than we thought we would and the kids loved it.
After more driving, the kids were excited to reach the hotel. We were not that impressed. The hotel was not as nice as the pictures on the internet made it look! :) But it had a pool and the kids were excited to swim. We got on our suits and found that the pool was dirty, cold, and the pool towels were hard to hunt down. But we swam anyways. Griffin cleaned the pool with the help of uncle Kelly. We decided not to stay two nights there. The pool was too cold for the kids and we felt that we would prefer a cleaner, nicer place. We found another hotel to check into the next day.
That night Kelly suggested that we go bowling. (There wasn't going to be any night swimming, the pool was cold in the daytime!) The bowling ally wasn't far from out hotel. It was so much fun. A great end to a long, fun day!