Hadley got his drivers permit. He loves driving and will start Drivers Ed in about a week. He's getting old and is really enjoying being in high school.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Problems with girls.
After school Kendra asked Ryan if he had a girlfriend. He told her, "I would, but Julio with a 'J' messed it up for me." I guess a boy named Julio told the girl that he liked her and now she won't talk to him.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
First day of school 2012
The boys had their first day of school today. Hadley is now a sophomore in high school, kaden is in 6th, and Ryan is in 4th. They all had a good day. Hopefully it's a good year for all of them. Kaden was telling us about his day and said, "Guess what's awesome about this year...big boy scissors!"
Saturday, April 7, 2012
My Little Sleep Talker
Kaden talks in his sleep almost every night. But every time we jump up to listen to what he is saying, he stops. He always talks really loud and last night we finally made it in to be able to tell what he was saying. He was stretching his arms all around above his head and Burke asked if he was ok. He said,"I'm trying to reach the ceiling, but I can't."
Thursday, March 15, 2012
Went to lunch today with my mom and grandpa Marshall. We went to Chuck-a-Rama. Grandpa loves eating there. And I love going and visiting with him.
Sunday, March 11, 2012
Spring time
Tonight we all had sunday dinner at Stan and Shandy's. The weather has been so nice, Kelly showed up in his '68 Bronco and took me and the kids for a ride around the block. The kids had so much fun sticking their hands in the air as Kelly drove around.
Wednesday, March 7, 2012
I'm going to be a grandma! Kendra is going to have a baby! She is due in September and I am so excited for her. She will be a cute little mom, we love her so much. We were driving in the car the other day and she said to me, "I do believe this is going to be the most beautiful baby to ever come into the Davis family." She always makes me smile.
We went and got her first ultrasound. Me and Kendra could not stop smiling. Her little baby would jump around. We were so excited to be able to finally see the cute little thing.
We went and got her first ultrasound. Me and Kendra could not stop smiling. Her little baby would jump around. We were so excited to be able to finally see the cute little thing.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
A date with Hadley.
Tonight Hadley took me on a dinner date. It was with the young men and their moms. We had dinner and played a game about how well you know your son. (I didn't do so well on the game.) Then the leaders told us things that our sons said about things they appreciate about their moms. Hadley told them about the time I took him to soccer practice. We pulled up and watched how good the boys were. I looked at Hadley and asked him if he just wanted to go home. He said yes, we went and got a coke, and never went back to soccer. He told them that he loved having a mom that helped him quit. Well at least I was appreciated for something.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Wonderful Valentine's Day
I had a wonderful Valentine's Day. Burke made me a yellow rose and apricot fruit roll-up bouquet. Ryan made me a bear with treats at school and all of the kids were so sweet to me all day.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Ryan's 9 years old.
Ryan got a bass guitar for his birthday. That is all he would talk about for weeks.
We all went to Nickel City for his birthday. Everyone had a great time.
The kids bought fake mustaches with the tickets that they won on all of the games. It's so much fun having silly kids.
Then we went home and had cake and ice cream with the whole family. My baby boy sure is getting old.
Monday, February 6, 2012
Friday, February 3, 2012
Birthday dinner date
I had a very good birthday this year. I went and shot my bow, went running, Burke took me out to dinner at Macaroni Grill, and then we had cake with the kids. (Kendra was on a date and Kaden was at a sleep over.) We had a really good time.
Tuesday, January 24, 2012
The Wolf Pack

Burke and I got home late from work and realized that Ryan had missed scouts that night. It was pack night and he was supposed to get his Wolf. He was upset and so we had our own pack night. :)

Kaden was our Indian drummer for the event, Burke and I did the face paint, and Hadley was our photographer.
After we were done, the boys had fun and did a little extra face painting.
Friday, January 13, 2012
We had a surprise birthday party for Kendra's 18th birthday. My Uncle Mike's band came and played in my dads shop and we had food and dancing. Kendra's boyfriend blindfolded her and told her he was taking her to see some puppies and then brought her to the shop for us to surprise her. It was a fun night.
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