Sunday, January 23, 2011

Had a pretty busy weekend. Took grandpa Mashall up some rice pudding. We visited for a while. I love listening to his stories. He told me about being the switchman for the railroad when he was younger. I've heard the story before but he can tell me them anytime. As switchman, he would have to throw the switch on the railroads to keep the trains on the right track. He was on call most all of the time. Back in the days of no cell phones that meant that if he went to a movie he had to call in and tell them where he was and the phone number to the movie theater. He said he was always getting called out of movies, dinner, and dates. He would also ride the train in the front, up where they would throw coal in the engine. Then when the train got to about Geneva (south Salt Lake) he would have to jump out, wait for the train to go almost all the way by, switch the line, and then jump into the caboose.
Grandpa also told me about when he was a kid and his friend and him went skiing. But they made their own ski's out of the planks of a barrel. Then they strapped them to their feet. But it didn't work very well because the only part of the planks that touched the snow, was the very middle. He said all they did was crash. That was his one and only ski adventure.
Hadley went to merit badge pow wow yesterday. Earned three merit badges, which I think earned him his Life scout. So proud of him.
My little brother, Stan decided that our family needs to get together he invited them all to my house last night for a game night. Janet, Vickie, all of their kids, Stan and his family, and my dad came over. (my mom wasn't feeling well.) We had a full house. Played cards, ate hot dogs and treats, and laughed 'till 3 o'clock in the morning! Then this morning the kids all wanted to go to sundance to snowboard. Tonight I put a quilt on for Hadley. He is getting carpet in his new basement room tomorrow and needs a new blanket on his bed. The one he has now is so old it's see-through.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Hadley went snowboarding the other day. Burke told him he would be at Sundance to pick him up at 5:00pm. When Burke got up there, Hadley was no where to be found. An hour and a half later we were starting to worry, then Hadley came plowing down the mountain and sat down with three girls. (He's always been a ladies man.) His only comment was, "Can't I stay 'till 9:00".
Tonight Kendra laid in my bed with me and Burke and talked for about 2 hours. She talked about everything from school, going to college, her friends, and everything in between. She has such a cute personality. She was alot more entertaining than the movie we had been watching.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Took the boys out rabbit hunting today out by Eureka, UT. We asked Kendra if she wanted to come and she said "uh not really, what is wrong with you guys, rabbits are cute!" :) We saw one's still alive. As we drove through Genola we told Hadley about when we lived there and he rode the bus to kindergarten and 1st grade. The bus driver loved him. He never once sat in a bus seat, he stood right behind the bus driver's shoulder and told her stories every day. Grandma Ina used to always tell Burke, "Never tell that boy to be quiet, that boys got a lot to say."

Friday, January 14, 2011

Kendra received a counterfeit $10 bill at the mall on her 17th birthday and then tried to pay for detention after school. She had to talk to the cops about it and might have to fill out paperwork for the secret service.