Tuesday, July 26, 2011

24th of July weekend

We did alot of fun stuff for the 24th of July this year.  We started out by going to the movie in the park.  The city did it across the river at the ballpark.  We watched 'How to Train Your Dragon'.  The whole family went, Stan and Shandy, Kelly, my mom and dad, and all the kids.  We set out blankets and camp chairs and had all of our treats ready.  Then...as soon as the movie started, my mom and dad got up and headed home.  They said they just came to visit with us before the movie.  Then they went home and watched the same movie we watched in the park!  They are so funny sometimes.
Our next adventure was the Fish Rodeo.  They had a man-made pond at the city park and filled it with 500 fish.  The kids had to get in and catch the fish with their hands.  Some of the kids scooped them up with their baggies.  Bad thing about it, there was no catch-and-release.  We had to take the fish with us.  Kaden wanted to cook his but since it only had one eye, I talked him out of it.
Then we had the 3rd annual Backyard Campout!  We had a barbeque, played volleyball, spray painted tie-die T-shirts, shot off fireworks in the front yard, and watched the movie 'Rocket Man' outside.  It was great weather this year for sleeping outside.

Saturday, July 23, 2011

When I grow up...

Ryan told me that he was going to have a sexy wife.  I said, "your wife is going to be sexy?"  He said, "Yep, I'm going to have a sexy wife and she's going to be a vet, 'cause I love dogs!"

Friday, July 22, 2011

Payson Lakes!

Amanda and Rachel planned a day for all of our family to go to Payson Lakes last weekend.  We went for a picnic and to play.  When we got there, the weather was a little cool and it was sprinkling just a little bit.  But as soon as we got to the beach...in to the water the kids went!  Kendra was in Idaho, staying for a few days with her grandma and my niece, Myriam came with us.  It stopped sprinkling but the sun didn't come out much but it was a perfect get-together.
Rob brought his canoe and Janet brought their paddle boat.

We had hot dogs and pot luck and hung out at the lake all evening.
The kids had fun playing in the water, even though it was a little cold.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Magical duct tape

Kaden has found the joys of duct tape. He has made everything from wallets to, my favorite, flip flops! He asked me to buy him a roll of duct tape at Home Depot one day. He was so excited about all of the things that he could do with it. I thing that the whole roll lasted him about a week.

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Another catcher

I have another catcher in the family. Ryan loves it. He spent about 6 hours just wearing the gear around the house the one day begging everyone to go pitch to him again.

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Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Little boys like to play

Burke watched Ryan sit in the driveway yesterday smashing ants with his thumb for 2 hours.  It amazes me what little boys love to do.

Saturday, July 16, 2011


Last night I got the boys out of bed at midnight and we went to look for earth worms.  Our neighbor runs a gas station and told Kaden that he would buy them from him for $1 a dozen.  We grabbed our mud boots and flashlights and hit the fields.  It was a little disappointing because the fields weren't wet enough and we didn't find any worms.  But we had a good night-time adventure anyways.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

18 years

Yesterday was our 18 year anniversary.  Burke bought me flowers, took me to the dump, and then we had a barbecue with Todd and Penney.  His sister Penney is about to have her third baby and they came over for dinner.  When we went to the dump I stayed in the truck while Burke unloaded.  I told him I didn't have to help because it was our anniversary.  We had a good day but really, we had already celebrated on Monday when we took our family to a Salt Lake Bee's baseball game.  It was on the 4th of July, they did fireworks afterword, and it was one of our best anniversary's.

Wednesday, July 6, 2011

High Adventure

So, Hadley made it back from the High Adventure trip with the young men.  They had a very interesting trip.  The first day they went river rafting on the Green River.  The next day they went to go river rafting again, Hadley was getting his stuff out of the tent, the leaders did not do a head count, and they left Hadley.  He came out of the tent, everyone was gone, so he spent the next few hours taking a nap 'till they got back.  He took it well.  Good thing he has such a good personality.  That night one of the leaders used gas to start the fire and lit himself on fire.  They rolled him on the ground and dumped water on him.  He was hurt prett bad.  He spent the weekend in the hospital until they came home.  The next day, cliff diving and water skiing on Flaming Gorge.  Even with all of the problems, they all agreed it was the best trip they have been on.  Hadley said that it was definatley "High Adventure".

Sunday, July 3, 2011


Kendra has a weird kwirk when it comes to socks.  She always wears two pairs at the same time and they never match.  She just takes whatever socks she finds in the laundry and puts two on each foot.  We have to buy her twice as many socks for school because she goes through them fast!

Friday, July 1, 2011

A Coke with the Kids

Hadley is with the young men this weekend on the Green River rafting trip.  So me, Kendra, Kaden, and Ryan went to Walmart today.  Ryan had some money and wanted to buy some more Lego's.  Then we went over to the hospital.  UVRMC is the only hospital in the world to house this Coke machine.  It is one of nine in the state.  It has a touch screen and has over 100 flavors of pop.  The boys have been begging me to go try it.  Yep...we drove all the way to provo for a coke.  :)  We had a good day.