Saturday, September 24, 2011

The Dirty Dash

My friends called and invited me to run in the Dirty Dash.  It is a 10K run with obstacles, in the mud.  Then Burke joined a team with a guy that I work with and they ran it too.  We had so much fun.  We started out cute and clean, and ended up filthy and smiling!
Me and the Girls on the Sportz Dogs Team
Burke, Me and some of his team.  Good clean fun.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Kaden's 11

Kaden had his 11th birthday.  He got rollerblades and we had the family over for cake and ice cream. 

Thursday, September 15, 2011

I like to ride my Bicycle

Burke bought a road bike and started biking. He has really liked it. It took him a little while to get used to the equipment and the shorts but he has really loved going for the rides.

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Sunday, September 11, 2011

Baby Owen

Kendra went over to Penney's house and took pictures of baby Owen.  He is about 8 weeks old and the pictures turned out so cute.  These are some of my favorites.

Sunday, September 4, 2011

First Fly Fishing

I had a GREAT day!!!  Stan and I went fly fishing.  We are both beginners at this but we did pretty good.  I caught two, Stan caught three, and I had a couple other fish bite that I didn't snag fast enough.  When I caught the first one, Stan took the hook out for me because I don't like holding the fish when they wiggle.  Then Stan went to the car and I caught my second fish.  I had to take the fish off myself.  The fish wiggled, I squeeled, dropped the fish, took the hook out while it layed on the ground looking at me with one eye, and then threw him back.  Both me and the fish were tramatized!  I love fishing!  It was an awesome day.

School Shoes 2011

It's a new school year.  The kids started school a couple weeks ago.  Kendra is a mighty senior this year!  Hadley is in 9th grade, Kaden in 5th, and Ryan in 3rd.  I can't believe how fast time flies.  I had to work on the first day of school and all of the kids leave at different times in the morning, so I didn't get pictures of the first day of school.  But this is a picture of the school shoes.

The boys custom ordered their shoes online.  Kaden went wild with the colors.  Ryan's are the green and blue, and Hadley's are the blue and black.  Kaden and Ryan's shoes even have their names on them.  Kendra just got moccasins, which she calls mossicans.

Timpanogas Cave

Me and the boys hiked to Timpanogas Cave today.  It's only 1 1/2 miles one way but it's all up hill.  But the boys were fun to hike with and didn't complain.  They were so much fun to be with.
Poor Kendra had to work at her new job!  She works at Sunroc in Springville and so she didn't get to come with us today.  It sucks to grow up and not get to always go play!  And Burke didn't go because he is in Colorado with my dad on a bear hunt.
Inside the cave it was only about 45 degrees and so we had to wear jackets.  Hadley is wearing the backpack in front because they make you, they don't want you bumping into the cave walls with your packs.  Kaden wanted so bad to pee in one of the bags they give you in the cave that turns the pee to crystals.  He thought it would be cool, I talked him out of it.  The boys really thought the cave tour was interesting and had a good time.
On the hike back down, I don't think that the boys stopped talking for two minutes.  I love when they do that.  I can listen to their stories all day.  It was a good time.  No T.V., no video games, no computers.  Just me and my boys and their great personalities.  The picture on the bottom right is Ryan stretching his legs.  He kept having to stop and bend down to stretch his sore legs on the hike down.  I thought it was cute.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

2011 Trip to the Zoo

Stan and Shandy invited us all to go to the zoo with them for Zoee's 6th birthday.  The weather was hot.  We all made fun of Kendra for wearing a long sleeve sweater.  We had lots of laughs and tons of fun. 

Are you ready for some football?

Kaden and Ryan are in football this year. Kaden is in tackle and Ryan is in flag. They both love it. Football's not my favorite sport but I love watching these two play.
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Favorite sayings

One of my favorite things Ryans says right now, "For peeps sakes!"  One of my favorite things Kaden used to say...when he was almost 2 years old is he would call you a 'poopy biaper'.