Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Dad of the Year

I got called in to work last night.  We finished up late and I had to work this morning.  So I slept at the hospital in our sleep room.  It really makes me miss home.  Yesterday while I worked, Burke took two kids to the orthodontist, went to work, picked up the house, made them all dinner, and made a midnight run to the grocery store for a sack lunch for Ryan to have for school tomorrow.  Through out the first of our marriage, Burke never did dishes, never did laundry, and didn't always know how to deal with the problems that having kids brings.  Now, with the long hours that I have to work, he has been a great help.  He does dishes, laundry, and is a loving dad that helps me more with the kids than I ever imagined he could.  After this week, he's definitely getting Dad of the Year.